There is generally nothing that will change your trike's riding characteristics more than tires. If you want to go faster then start with the tires. If you want a smoother ride then start with the tires. If you want more traction? You guessed it! Start with the tires. But, here's the clincher: Every tire is a compromise. A fast tire will ride harder and offer less puncture resistance. A fat cushy tire will ride smoother but won't handle as well as the narrow high-pressure rubber. If you need help choosing, decide what aspect is the most important for you and let us know.
The most popular recumbent trike tire by far. There is a reason that this tire is the default stock option on so many recumbent trikes. Every tire is a compromise of weight, speed, puncture resistance, and longevity and the Schwalbe Marathon Racer is the best option for the average trike rider. -
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