We recommend that our customers learn to do their own basic maintenance. With just a few basic tools you can handle just about any maintenance on your trike. All of our trikes use metric hardware, so at a minimum a good set of allen tools should be part of your kit.
Lots of problems can arise from poor alignment. If you're a do-it-yourself triker, Catrike designed this tool to help you out. It's great for checking and adjusting toe-in. Proper alignment makes your trike more efficient, it rolls easier, and your tires won't wear out as quickly. Works with most recumbent trikes. -
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The FastBack Gear Belt is what superheroes use when they ride recumbents with mesh seats. You, too, can ride superheroically with the ability to attach a 70LS, Double Century, and 4.0 Pack to seats that were previously impossible to mount upon. -
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