The #1 most obvious upgrade on this trike is the seat. The seat has been upgraded to the adjustable TerraTrike Seat.
The rear wheel has been upgraded to a 24" wheel for extra speed. The front wheels have also been upgraded to 20" wheels. The tires that Mike chose were the Schwalbe Big Apple tires, which will give him an extra comfortable ride, while still providing him some puncture resistance.
Mike chose to upgrade the idlers to TerraCycle Sport Idlers, which will last a very long time. Also in the process we were able to get rid of almost all the chain tube, which will make the trike run more smooth and quiet.
Mike decided to go with the Nuvinci Internal Hub transmission.
Schlumpf High Speed Drive
Mike decided to upgrade his front cranks to a Schlumpf High Speed Drive to give him insane gear range. We created a custom chain tensioner to make it compatible with the Nuvinci rear hub.