This trike was hard for me to let go. When Jim called and asked me about the Catrike Muscle Expedition I told him how I had one more coming with my name on it. Well, he talked me out of it and got this sweet ride for his self. This trike is a sweet cherry red that just screams fast. And, yeah, I'm a sucker for that striped seat. Oh, did I mention the Kojak tires?
Black Boom
The Muscle edition Catrikes all come with a black boom that just adds to the muscle car look. It's a simple design element that adds a lot of horsepower. Well, maybe not, but it looks fast.
Racing Stripe
This racing stripe is actually sewed on the seat mesh and looks totally pro. While the stripe in the seat may not appeal to everyone, judging by the amount of calls we get asking for one, a lot of people want it.
Schwalbe Kojaks
The Muscle has Kojaks all the way around. The Kojak racing slicks are super lightweight and fast.