UTCustom Adjustable Super Headrest - Serious riders want serious comfort. That's why we created the Super Headrest. Our headrest is adjustable and functions as an additional support for your shoulders, neck, and head.
Compatible with All Catrikes
UTCustom EZ Entry Aids for Catrikes - The EZ Entry Aids provide a rigid handhold to stablise yourself as you enter or exit your recumbent trike. They extend higher than the handlebars giving you the leverage needed to mount and dismount safely.
Works with Catrikes and other direct-steer trikes with two-piece handlebars and lower 1in bar.
Utah Trikes Adjustable Aluminum Cargo Rack - This adjustable rack can be used on many trikes. It includes a variety of hardware and is very adjustable. For Catrikes please see our Catrike-specific rack kit.