"Closest to Baby blue that you currently have." -Bruce
"Has an awesome standout drawing attraction. Never get tired of it." -John
"out of the future" -steven
"My husband has one in the yellow and he just loves blue its his favorite color. He is always talking about getting another. " -Paula
"Very nice color." -Glenn
"Blue itself is already the best color on the planet. You put it on a trike...stratosphere." -Cary
"It brings to mind a starry night sky and the wonder of the universe." -Mari
"Blue has always been my favorite color. The metallic makes it even more special." -Henry
"Blue is a favorite calming color" -Ken
Custom Color - Metallic Blue
Fredrick's Metallic Blue Electro TadRay J's Metallic Blue UTCustom Catrike Fat Cat-4Steve's Metallic Blue Fat Tad CrawlerBrenda's Metallic Blue Fat Tad CrawlerNeil's Metallic Blue Fat Tad CrawlerMarian's Sunseeker Eco Tad SX Stephen's Metallic Blue Sun Seeker Eco Tad SX Steve's Metallic Blue Sun Seeker Annihilator Malcom's Metallic Blue Fat Tad Crawler Nita's Metallic Blue NotAWheelChair Suspension RigDouglas' Metallic Blue Electro-Tad TrikeBruce's Metallic Blue Eco Tad SX TrikeAllen's Metallic Blue Annihilator ECO24Danny's Electric Blue Fat Cat V3Kay's Metallic Blue Electro-TadJames' Metallic Blue Eco Tad SXJayne's Metallic Blue Eco Tad SXChristine's Metallic Blue Sun Atlas TrikeTodd's Metallic Blue EZ Tad SXPatricia's Metallic Blue Electric Fat Tad CrawlerTennes' Metallic Blue Annihilator X-SeriesKurt's Beast Fat Tad Crawler Electric TrikeMetallic Blue EZ Tad Electric TrikeMetallic Blue Revolution Defiance Full Suspension TrikeUTCustom Fat Tad Crawler Metallic BlueSun T3 CX Tadpole Metallic BlueYUMI DLX - Sociable Tandem Metallic BlueCatrike Villager Metallic BlueRevolution Defiance FS Full Suspension Metallic BlueUT Custom Fat Tad Crawler Metallic Blue Results 1 - 30 of 44