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Reviews of
this Color

"Very cool color for a Hotrod Trike retro look to the frame... "

"I dig the floats man"

"This color has an Earthy appeal to me. Its a warm color."

"This is a great color. Not seen another trike with this color. Utah you will stand out. Go for it"

"Classic color that will always quench your thirst."

"Because in the great state of Wyoming brown and gold represent awesomeness. This would be the first step towards the UW Cowboy trike."

"three wheels are better despite needing 20000 fathoms of chain..."

"This a different color that to me is very warm feeling "

"You dont see that color on the road it is unique."


Custom Color - Root Beer

Varner's Root Beer UTCustom Catrike Fat Cat-4 Quad

Cal's Root Beer HP Velo Scorpion FS 26
David's Root Beer UTCustom Catrike Fat Cat-4
Charles' Root Beer UTCustom Catrike Annihilator V-Series
Charles' Root Beer UTCustom Catrike Fat Cat-4
Charles's Root Beer Catrike Villager
Ronald's Root Beer Fat Tad CXS
Wayne's Root Beer UTCustom Fat Cat 4-Quad
Tim's Root Beer Catrike Pocket
Jeffery's Root Beer UT Custom Fat Tad Crawler
Arthur's Root Beer UT Custom Fat Cat 4 Quad
Robert's Root Beer Catrike Cat-4 Quad
Dawayne's Root Beer KMX Thunderbolt
Michael's Root Beer Catrike Pocket
Thomas' Root Beet Fat Tad Crawler
Henry's Electric Fat Cat 4 Quad
Eric's Electric Root Beer Fat Tad Crawler FS
Charles' Root Beer Fat Cat-4 Quad
Frosty Cold Root Beer Fat Cat-4 Electric Quad
UTCustom Fat Tad Crawler Root Beer
UTCustom Catrike Fat Cat-4 Root Beer
Catrike Annihilator X90 Root Beer
UT Custom Catrike Fat Cat-4 Root Beer
Root Beer Folding Catrike 559 With Sparkle Light Orange Painted Bits
Root Beer Utah Trikes Custom Fat Tad Crawler
Root Beer Utah Trikes Custom Fat Tad Crawler
Root Beer Catrike Annihilator X90 With Falco Electric Motor
UT Custom Catrike Fat Cat-4 Root Beer
UT Custom Fat Tad Crawler Root Beer
Utah Custom Fat Cat-4 Root Beer
Results 1 - 30 of 44

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Quick Links:

Arthur's Root Beer UT Custom Fat Cat 4 Quad
Ashley's Annihilator X90
Cal's Root Beer HP Velo Scorpion FS 26
Catrike Annihilator V81 Root Beer
Catrike Annihilator X90 Root Beer
Charles' Root Beer Fat Cat-4 Quad
Charles' Root Beer UTCustom Catrike Annihilator V-Series
Charles' Root Beer UTCustom Catrike Fat Cat-4
Charles's Root Beer Catrike Villager
David's Root Beer UTCustom Catrike Fat Cat-4
Dawayne's Root Beer KMX Thunderbolt
Eric's Electric Root Beer Fat Tad Crawler FS
Eric's root beer float trike
Frosty Cold Root Beer Fat Cat-4 Electric Quad
Henry's Electric Fat Cat 4 Quad
Jeffery's Root Beer UT Custom Fat Tad Crawler
john's hand and foot cycle
John's sweet v81
Low Rider RB Ex Quad
Michael's Root Beer Catrike Pocket
Noel's Root beer R81
Raoul's root beer x90
Robert's Root Beer Catrike Cat-4 Quad
Ronald's Root Beer Fat Tad CXS
Root Beer Catrike Annihilator V81
Root Beer Catrike Annihilator X90 With Falco Electric Motor
Root Beer Catrike Expedition
Root Beer Float
Root Beer Folding Catrike 559 With Sparkle Light Orange Painted Bits
Root Beer Handcycle
Root Beer Utah Trikes Custom Fat Tad Crawler
Root Beer Utah Trikes Custom Fat Tad Crawler
Root Beer Utah Trikes Custom Sun Fat Tad Crawler
Thomas' Root Beet Fat Tad Crawler
Tim's Root Beer Catrike Pocket
UT Custom Catrike Fat Cat-4 Root Beer
UT Custom Catrike Fat Cat-4 Root Beer
UT Custom Fat Tad Crawler Root Beer
Utah Custom Fat Cat-4 Root Beer
Utah Custom Fat Tad Crawler Root Beer
UTCustom Catrike Fat Cat-4 Root Beer
UTCustom Fat Tad Crawler Root Beer
Varner's Root Beer UTCustom Catrike Fat Cat-4 Quad
Wayne's Root Beer UTCustom Fat Cat 4-Quad