"It is cool looks good in the sun and the shade I have one in this color and you can not go wrong." -David
"It matchs my truck" -Michael
"I like blue" -Joseph
"Blue is my color of choice for most items I am interested in." -Doug
"It is not only totally beautiful but highly visible as well." -Robert
"Candy blue matches my eyes" -Fred
"It sparkles" -BILL
"Sparkle Candy Blue is a bright but not loud vibrant color with depth and is interesting to the eye." -Steven
"reminds me of my old 56 ford when I was a kid" -LARRY
"Bright beautiful and tho not as noticeable as orange or yellow still enough so" -Tim
Custom Color - Sparkle Candy Blue
Richard's Sparkle Candy Blue Revolution eQuad RSThomas's Sparkle Candy Blue Fat Cat V3Brenna's Sparkle Candy Blue Fat Cat V3Katherine's Sparkle Candy Blue Fat Tad CXSLori's Sparkle Candy Blue UT Custom Sun HT-3 Hand and Foot CycleGeorge's Sparkle Candy Blue Revolution EQuad RS Annette's Sparkle Candy Blue Catrike Villager Noah's Sparkle Candy Blue Fat Tad CXSAlina's Sparkle Candy Blue Fat Tad CXSRicky's Sparkle Candy Blue Catrike DumontStephen's Candy Blue Sunseeker Fat Tad CXSJack's Sparkle Candy Blue Electric Annihilator ECO24SunSeeker Fat Tad CXSUTCustom Annihalator D90 Sparkle Candy BlueSunSeeker Eco Tad IGH Sparkle Candy BlueUTCustom Fat Tad Crawler FS Sparkle Candy BlueCatrike Cat-4 Quad by UTCustomCatrike Villager Sparkle Candy Blue​Catrike Expedition Sparkle Candy Blue with Fluorescent OrangeUTCustom Catrike Fat Cat-4 Quad Sparkle Candy BlueCatrike Expedition Sparkle Candy BlueUTCustom Fat Tad Crawler Sparkle Candy BlueCatrike Expedition Sparkle Candy BlueSparkle Candy Blue KMX Typhoon Blue 700 FalcoDebbi's Blue Sun EZ Tad SX Catrike Cat-4 Expedition QuadResults 1 - 27 of 27