"Purple is a royal color. I always liked purple bikes. Candy purple is the best." -Gus
"Purple was my aunts favorite color she passed away of ovarian cancer a few years ago and we miss her dearly. Lana" -Lana
"I just really like purple and the candy purple in particular." -William
"It matches the color in my wifes hair and the trike would be for her. " -Ray
"love any color there all great. I picked the purple because I want to win it for my sister" -Judie
"purple always been my favorite color. I have seen few over years in my travels around the world. The time i have spend over seas in Asia. Had some of the best paint job done with a different shades of purple. to me the candy purple really stands out in a crowd. " -James
"i just love purple you guys have so many cool colors." -Carrie
"Its deep and dark without being black." -james
"perfect LSU color with gold trim
Think purple live gold" -Jim
"Purple is my favorite color and the candy just makes it pop." -Matthew