"I think I was born bleeding blue and this is just a great looking blue." -Jeff
"Blue has always been my color!!" -Brian
"I am partial to blue and this particular one really reaches out and "grabs" the eye." -John
"because it is a fun color - reminds you of the bluest skies" -Greg
"Matches my eyes" -John W
"I like deep blues. A Cobalt blue would be even better. " -Steve
"Have always Liked it strong vibrant color" -Bruce
"Its beautiful" -Mike
"Look great with it . " -Randy
"I live in Vegas there is plenty of heat in the summer. Riding something this blue would help keep me "cool" " -deric
Custom Color - Bengal Blue
Gary's Blue Revolution GetawayMichael's Bengal Blue Revolution eQuad RSTom's Bengal Blue Revolution eQuad RSLisa's Blue Not A Wheel ChairScott's Blue NAWC Rig George's Bengal BlueUTCustom Sun Ht-3 Hand and Foot CycleCory's Bengal Blue Revolution GetawayGary's Bengal Blue Fat Tad CrawlerLamont's Bengal Blue Fat Tad CXSHoward's Bengal Blue and Fluorescent Orange eQuad RSPeter's Bengal Blue UTCustom Hand and Foot CycleJohn's Bengal Blue Revolution Getaway Barry's Ultra Custom Revolution eQuad RSDaniel's Bengal Black Fat Tad CXSTed's Bengal Blue CXS Sport FSJoe's Full Suspension CXS Sport FS Recumbent TrikeRevolution Defiance Full Suspension Electric TrikeCatrike Villager Bengal BlueRevolution Defiance FS Full Suspension Bengal BlueSun EZ Tad DLX Trike Bengal BlueUT Custom Fat Tad Crawler Bengal BlueBengal Blue KMX Thunderbolt Motorized TrikeUT Custom Fat Tad Crawler Bengal BlueBengal Blue Catrike Villager Catrike Villager Bengal Blue VillagerSun EZ Tad SX-Comfort Trike Bengal BlueZachary's blue Catrike Trail Randy's Blue Catrike VillagerKandi's Custom Bengal Blue EZ TadLouise's Blue VillagerResults 1 - 30 of 47