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How Do I Find People to Ride Trikes With?

Finding people to ride trikes with can enhance your cycling experience, whether you’re looking for social rides, group workouts, or just exploring new routes. Here are some effective ways to find trike-riding companions:

1. Local Cycling Clubs and Groups

Trike-Specific Clubs: Some cities or regions have cycling clubs dedicated to recumbent or trike riders. You can search online for “recumbent trike clubs” or “trike groups” in your area. These clubs often organize group rides, share tips, and discuss routes.

General Cycling Clubs: Many general cycling clubs welcome all types of bikes, including recumbent trikes. Reach out to local cycling clubs, ask if they have trike riders, and inquire about their ride schedules. Meetup.com and Facebook groups often host local cycling groups.

2. Online Forums and Communities

Recumbent and Trike Forums: Websites like BentRider Online and other recumbent cycling forums often have dedicated sections for organizing group rides or connecting with other riders.

Reddit: Subreddits like r/recumbent and r/bicycling can connect you with a wider community of trike enthusiasts. You can ask about local riding groups or organize meetups in your area.

Facebook Groups: Look for recumbent trike groups on Facebook. Many local areas have cycling or trike-specific groups where you can join discussions and learn about group rides.

3. Attend Local Cycling Events or Races

Charity Rides and Organized Events: Many cities host charity rides, bike festivals, or organized cycling events that welcome all types of riders, including trike users. These events are a great way to meet other cyclists and possibly find fellow trike enthusiasts.

Recumbent Events: Some cycling events focus specifically on recumbents and trikes. Look for events like the Recumbent Cycle-Con or smaller regional gatherings that cater to this niche.

4. Bike Shops and Trike Dealers

Local Bike Shops: Visit local bike shops, especially those that sell recumbent bikes or trikes. The staff may know of local trike riders or group rides, and many shops host their own community events.

Recumbent or Trike Dealers: If there’s a specialized dealer nearby, they might have a network of customers or organized rides that you can join. Dealers often stay in touch with their clients and may facilitate group rides or social events

5. Volunteer or Advocacy Groups

Cycling Advocacy Groups: Many cycling advocacy organizations host group rides and events that encourage participation from all types of cyclists. These groups work to improve bike infrastructure and promote cycling in cities, and often organize rides to raise awareness or simply enjoy new routes.

Community Centers: Some local community centers or recreational programs offer cycling meetups or fitness programs that include trikes.

6. Attend Trike and Recumbent Shows or Conventions

Recumbent Cycle-Con: This is an annual event focused on recumbent bikes and trikes. Attending a show or convention like this can connect you with other trike enthusiasts and help you network with people who live nearby.

Local or Regional Bike Shows: Even if they aren’t trike-specific, many bike shows attract a variety of cyclists. You may find trike riders at these events and build connections.

7. Check with Local Parks or Bike Trails

Trail Networks: Popular biking trails in your area may have bulletin boards or online forums where riders post about upcoming group rides. Some trail networks even have weekly or monthly organized rides that might include trike riders.

State Parks: Some state and national parks host bike events or have cycling clubs that include trike riders.

8. Organize Your Own Group

Create a Meetup or Facebook Group: If you can’t find an existing trike group in your area, consider starting your own. You can create a Meetup group or a Facebook group for local trike riders and advertise rides or events.

Organize Rides at Parks or Trails: Once you’ve gathered a small group, organize regular rides on popular trails or parks in your area. This could attract more trike riders and grow your group organically.

To find trike-riding companions, start by tapping into local cycling clubs, online forums, apps like Strava, and bike shops. If nothing exists in your area, consider starting your own group or organizing a ride to bring trike enthusiasts together. Networking through community events and social media can help you find a community that shares your passion for trike riding.

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