Craig - Published on 10/27/2023
Hi. My name is Craig Black. I'm 63 years old and I ride a custom Catrike Trail Recumbent Trike.
I love my trike.
I used to ride mountain bikes for many years. I came from a motocross and bmx background. I love the skills. I love the tech. And, I love getting deep out into the woods or any natural setting away from the crowded mess of the city.
When for ergonomic reasons I could no longer ride bikes, I longed for an alternative pedal powered off-road vehicle to allow me to get back out there and challenge the natural terrain once again.
When I discovered the tadpole trike design, I realized that this had great potential for off-road use.
Initially, I expected there would be limitations when compared to what I used to do on bikes. But the last three years of intensive off-roading on my trike has taught me that the limitations were not only fewer than I had anticipated, but were really insignificant when compared to the unique capabilities of the trike.
For the past three years I've been carving tracks through all sorts of rugged terrain. I am continuing to be amazed at what is possible on these machines. I've climbed mountains, forded streams, scratched my way through all manner of brush, clawed my way over rocks and boulders, roots and gullies, even taken flight off of drop-offs and jumps, "boldly going where no trike has gone before".
Hopefully, this story will be an inspiration to adventurous trikers and two wheel off-roaders out there looking for a new thrill.
Happy trails!
Feel free to contact Craig Black for more information on his setup, equipment mods, riding techniques, and general trike banter.
Phone: 408-464-0060
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